Thursday, October 10, 2013

Baby Boy.

As I said in my last post, in a few short months I'll be the proud mama of a little boy. My whole world is being turned upside down, and I don't know that I mind. Its stressful and I feel huge, sore, and tired constantly, but I know it'll work out in the end. He wasn't exactly intentional, but I couldn't regret him if I tried. I've learned how generous and caring people can be, and I think I really needed that reminder because I had become a bit hostile towards everyone and it isn't like me to not want to help and care for others. I have amazing people who are supporting me and its already been quite a journey. I can't wait to see where God takes me from here and what he has planned to do in this baby's life. He's due February 20th, and there's still tons of prepping to do to make sure everything is ready for his grand entrance into the world. I can't wait to see his face, (other than the almost alien sonogram), and I'm so looking forward to holding him and protecting and caring for him for the rest of my life. I may be a young mom, but the world better look out because I'm a very determined mom with big goals for myself.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Moving Onward.

There comes a point in all our lives where we leave the past behind and move forward. For me, that point in my life came a few months ago. I've made plenty of mistakes and have some regrets, but none of that matters anymore. I'm 19, I have a baby boy on the way (due in February), and I believe in a God who is bigger than my circumstances. People look at me and judge me, ask me how I can call myself a Christ follower when I'm so "messed up". Well, here I am, following Him regardless. He is looking for willing people, not equipped people. I've been through a lot recently and in the past, and the only time I want my past to be a factor is if its helping people who are going through things I've gone through. This blog will have some topics discussed that I've been afraid to really talk about for a long time, but my hope is that God will use my life to help others.

I suppose I should probably introduce myself shouldn't I? I'm Brittany. Like I said, I'm 19. I love God, and I feel He has called me to great things. I may not be the best writer ever, but I have this story to tell, and I think He wants me to tell it, not just to those I trust, but to anyone willing to hear.

I like to sing. I'm planning to study Psychology, Sociology, and Pastoral Counseling starting next fall. I know I'm called to lead worship and to help people, beyond that, I'm letting God show me where to go, because to be honest, I don't have a clue.

Like I said before, I'm not an amazing writer, so if you want to know pretty much anything about me, just ask at any time. :)

Oh and here's my lovely face: